
Tuesday, August 29, 2023





I'll be giving very brief answers to the questions I received some days back after the survey about your experiences about school. 

Note that these responses are based on my own experiences and POV on how I think should and shouldn't be. With this, let's proceed to the Question(Q) and Answer(A) session.

Q21: I feel I did not perform well on my first-semester exam I want to know if I could still make it out
with excellent results if I put in the effort.
A: YES YES, you can, very much.

Q22:I want to know how you made reading a habit, staying up all night and studying even when
exams or tests weren’t close… I wanted to know what gave you the courage and motivation to
be staying up all night, studying while others are sleeping and there’s no test coming up ….
A: There's no big deal, I'm not entering an evil forest to hunt, I want to do good and I'm very intentional
about it. He who has a goal to grow and improve doesn't need to be told to read ahead. The word is

Q23: What if you've already crashed in your first semester and you're feeling demotivated, how
do you pick yourself up from that?
A: Understand that if you do better in your second semester, it would make up a whole lot and if you
can maintain it, then you'd finish well. That's enough motivation.

Q24: How did u get the scholarship.
A: Research, Application, Preparation. My book on how I got them would be released soon. Get a copy.

Q25: How can someone control anxiety and pressure from school I am doing food science and
technology and that’s not my dream course I am just doing it because that’s what I was
given and I really want to switch to MBBS I know I can do it but I feel so pressured and over
confident at the same time and I really don’t know what to do and how to go about it I still
waiting for the result to be out first so I will know my faith but I really need a study strategy
and how I can put more time to my studying. Procrastination and laziness plus fear and
anxiety is really doing something to me something I don’t like at all.
A: I think confidence is a good thing, the pressure is normal, it's a sign that you even care about your
academics. Your best thing now is to hit a high CGPA, best, a First Class so you can easily switch.
For one who wants to switch, procrastination and laziness? Perhaps you don't want it as bad as
you think.

Q26: 1. How can I balance school and social life i.e extracurricular activities, social media,
watching movies, etc?
2. How can I scale through my academics while fending for some of my needs and wants i.e
what can I do to make some extra cash without it taking a toll on my academics?
A1: The kind of system the Nigerian public school uses makes it hard to balance studies with extra
activities, I'll advice you focus on school in your first and second year and build a great CGPA
before tryin to carry other things too. Still if you feel you can do both in your first and second year,
then do.
A2: Scholarships, Essay writings, part-time jobs.

Q27: How can I be more effective in maths and physics, I'm not good in both
A: Go to YouTube, search and use my classes. Happy learning.

Q28: How did you get all those scholarships and awards after all you went through?
A: Biko, what and what did I go through? In a nut shell, I was persistent. full details in my upcoming
book - Scholarship Roadmap. Be sure you get a copy.

Q29: What are the strategies on how to succeed here in this university.
A: Which do I tell you and which do I leave out now? For a beginner, be sure you have a great CGPA,
then set out to explore other things as you progress, entrepreneurship, politics etc. As you pass
through the school, let the school also pass through you.

Q30: Interested in bagging scholarships like you. Can you show me the way?
A: Sure, follow up closely.

Any more questions? leave them at the comment session.

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