
Monday, August 28, 2023





I'll be giving very brief answers to the questions I received some days back after the survey about your experiences about school. 

Note that these responses are based on my own experiences and POV on how I think should and shouldn't be. With this, let's proceed to the Question(Q) and Answer(A) session.

Q11: My biggest challenge is balancing my school work and programming (I'm a techie)... please
Sir, how do I balance the two?
A: Again, your best approach would be to create a scale of preference and focus on what's most
important for now, there'll surely be time for others to join in too. More still, do school work by
weekdays and focus on your tech works by weekends, that's a practical approach.

Q12: Thanks sir for this opportunity. Sir I have difficulties in mathematics and physics, most
especially mathematics, I have difficulties studying alone. And overall financial difficulties.
What can I do to beat academic difficulties in mathematics and finance?
A: You write exams alone, you should learn to study alone. If you have issues with those courses,
simply check my YouTube channel for classes. Financial issues? you could take on part-time jobs
or better still, target scholarship opportunities.

Q13: Please sir am having issues in understanding maths, then this CHM too Can I ever or be
able to catch up.
A: Sure! do check out my YouTube channel for FREE classes.

Q14: How can I make reading and study a habit? I find it difficult to sit and read. Sometimes,
when I try to read, it seems I don't really understand the topic. How can I overcome this?
A: Understand that habits are not hobbies, they don't always have to be convenient and should be
done whether you feel like it or not. Set out a study time and commit to studying then whether you
feel like it or not. About being able to understand, be sure you are firm with the basics of the course
before you advance on it.

Q15: To be honest. I feel like my brain is slow, like it takes me a lot longer to assimilate stuff and
it gets very frustrating. If there was a way to tackle this then all my problems would be
solved literally.
A: You should put in more time and longer hours into study. Be sure you have a firm grip of the course
basics, then alone can you do exceptionally well.

Q16: Sir my question goes like this,sir during my time in secondary sch I had problem with maths
and physics😔, cause I find it difficult to solve till told tho, cause of my physics teacher to
be honest,he will just come drop note with the class prefect, then appear on the day if
supervisor come,and exam,finish.And that was how he did till we finished till ss3 sir,so sir
am asking for ur help what should I do, cause that's the problem am have up till now and am
willing to learn 🙇.
A: Search my videos on YouTube, they are easy to understand. That you could write WAEC, JAMB
and PUTME and be admitted means you can excel. Good luck.

Q17: How to understand FEC more. I find it hard to keep up with time when drawing
A: There are FEC tutors around, seek for their guidance. The best way to keep up with time is to
practice more.

Q18: I find being able to read the most challenging. There are lots of distractions with the
university and I don't seem to be able to take it all in and still concentrate as I am meant to .
I want to know the secrets of being able to bypass all obstacles and make it to the top. I also
want to get scholarship schemes.
A: Again, reading habits most times are not automatic, they are developed. Discipline yourself enough
to develop a reading culture, only you can. Distractions are side attractions to gain your attention.
Only you alone can give out that attention. Focus on what is important and stick to it.

Q19: Basically, the same thing. I’m quite the average student who was eager to enter the school
and now thinking I can’t make it. I mean, I’m sure last semester result would be evidence
but I swear to God I want to make my people happy, idk what to do.
A: Study, attend tutorials. If you put in the work, the effort, it'll show.

Q20: How to maintain a study schedule and how to assimilate and understand faster?
A: Maintaining a study schedule demands discipline, acting on your planned schedule whether you feel
like it or not. Try doing so brain games, puzzle, mathematics to help you think faster, also read well
and build the foundation knowledge/basic of your course, that way you begin to understand better and

Any more questions? leave them at the comment session.

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